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Infection Control Policy and Measures

We live in a world full of microorganisms that may be harmful to a susceptible host.  Your best defense against opportunistic pathogens is an uncompromised immune system.  Aerosolized respiratory viruses are not impeded by any mask sufficiently to prevent transmission or infection.  Additionally, all masks restrict air flow to some degree, and no level of airway restriction is healthy to the mask wearer, especially when worn during increased physical activity, or for long durations. 

  • I do not require masks be worn during treatment or classes, because they do not provide meaningful protection, and unobstructed respiratory function is vital to optimal performance and improving fitness.  Additionally, there is real systemic harm associated with mask wearing.  You are welcome to wear one at your own risk, but it is not required. 

  • Vaccines may attenuate symptoms in the vaccinated, but do not prevent viral or bacterial infection or transmission.  Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can become infected and trasmit pathogens.  It is not in my scope of practice to make recommendations to my patients and clients regarding vaccinations, and it is a violation of a patient's (client's) personal autonomy, to require any medical procedure to receive care or service.  It is unethical conduct for any health care professional to refuse care or services based on patient consent or refusal of a medical intervention

  • Upon arrival please wash your hands and feet to keep flooring and equipment clean and reduce contamination.  Facilities and supplies will be provided.  There is a no shoe policy in the clinic and studio.

  • Equipment and surfaces will be wiped down with disinfectant wipes or sprayed with ethanol spray after use.

  • Hepa + UV air purifiers are positioned in the studio and treatment room to filter and control the circulation of airflow.  True Hepa filters have also been installed in the HVAC system.

  • Antimicrobial essential oils are diffused during and/or between classes to reduce circulating microbes.  

  • If you are sick and symptomatic with any of the following: sore throat, fever, chills, achiness, inflammed lymph nodes, cough, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal or sinus congestion (except due to known allergies), diarrhea; please stay home until symptoms have subsided.  If you have been vaccinated, please be aware that your symptoms may be attenuated (lessened) but you may still be contagious.

  • There is a no shoe policy in the clinic and studio.  This keeps the equipment and surfaces clean, less contaminated, and in good condition for everyone.  Yoga socks are recommended for warmth and traction.  Additionally, barefoot practice engages the instrinsic muscles of the foot, improving function and balance.  If you need some type of foot protection or support we can discuss options that can be worn exclusively during your sessions.

  • If you are uncomfortable with any of these policies or measures, you may want to consider private sessions rather than classes, or finding another provider.


Class Participation

By signing up for a class, you  should be aware that the instruction will be group instruction, and not individual instruction.  You should be confident prior to signing up that you can participate without physical assistance in the described class, with some provided modifications such as cushioning and bolster support.  Scheduling a Pre-Fitness Assessment is highly recommended prior to any Fitness Series, to identify needed modifications and to establish personal goals.  If participation in the group class is not advisable for your individual needs, that can be discussed during the assessment, in advance of beginning the class.  If you choose to forego this assessment, you assume full responsibilty for your readiness to participate. 


Missed Classes in a Series

There is no make-up or proration of fees for missed classes in a series.  The series classes are designed to instruct and progress a level of fitness, so that the participant can continue at home independently, or participate as able in a' la carte offered classes.  If you enroll in a class series, you are responsible for attending each session, as the content in a missed class cannot be made up.  Understanding that life happens, I am happy to offer attendance at up to 2 a' la carte follow up classes, for missed series classes, after the completion of the series.  It is not adviseable to miss any of the first 4 sessions of a class series, as this is where most of the fundamentals are instructed.


Cancellation Policy

Appointments cancelled or rescheduled less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time will be charged the full service fee, as this time has been reserved for you.  A Class Series cancelled less than 3 days prior to beginning will be charged 50% of the class fee, unless there is a waiting list occupant able to fill that spot.  Any service cancelled prior to the deadline will be refunded in full.  



Payment for service is required in advance of treatment.  I accept cash, credit, debit, and HSA cards.  A superbill will be generated upon request for insurance reimbursement for covered physical therapy services.  Most services will be at or below the CMS fee schedule for non-participating providers.  Obtaining prior authorization for treatment, deductables, and coverage rates and limitations, is the responsibility of the client.  I am happy to work with you on a treatment plan that accommodates your needs within your budget and the limits of your insurance. 




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