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Low Pressure Fitness

What is Low Pressure Fitness and Hypopressive Exercise?

Low Pressure Fitness is a comprehensive movement system performed in low pressure postures, that target the deep core, coordinates pelvic floor and respiratory muscles, restores postural alignment, and facilitates myofascial, neural and visceral mobility.  The practice helps to improve breathing, by training the diaphragm and accessory muscles of respiration, as well as improving lateral rib cage mobility.  A hypopressive maneuver, AKA abdominal vacuum, is often added while performing the Low Pressure Fitness technical poses, creating negative pressure throughout the abdominal and pelvic cavities.  This negative pressure has been demonstrated to reduce pelvic organ prolapse, exhibited both visually (view with caution), and via real time ultrasound

With regular practice, participants can improve their pressure management strategies, core strength, posture, and balance, and reduce or resolve symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis rectus, abdominal hernias, back pain, pelvic pain, pelvic and lower extremity lymphatic congestion, and neural tension.  Please see Considerations below.


Although hypopressive maneuvers have been used in certain yoga practices for hundreds of years, during the 1980’s in Europe, Dr. Marcel Caufriez started researching the use of hypopressives for women to help improve pelvic floor dysfunction such as pelvic organ prolapse. By 2006, Dr. Tamara Rial and Dr. Piti Pinsach continued to expand on the research of Dr. Caufriez, developing a comprehensive workout, exercise and postural system built on the hypopressive techniques, and in 2014, Low Pressure Fitness (LPF) was created. The goal was to create a whole body workout and routine easily accessible for the general public to help improve pelvic floor dysfunction and combat some of the negative effects traditional popular sports and exercises can cause. 


Haven't heard of LPF? It started in Spain and quickly spread to Latin American countries, has become the preferred method of training postpartum moms. If you search for it, many examples are in Spanish.  It is beginning to take root in North America, first in Canada and more recently in the US. With increased awareness of the prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction, more practitioners including Pelvic Health Physical Therapists are incorporating the techniques into their treatment plans.


I have taken completed certification course series with co-founder Dr. Tamara Rial, and am a Low Pressure Fitness Certified Trainer.  â€‹I am excited to begin offering the Low Pressure Fitness Level 1 Series, and Beginning Low Pressure Fundamentals and Flow classes to those who have successfully completed LPF1.  I will be adding Low Pressure Fitness Level 2 and Level 3, and Intermediate and Advance Level Low Pressure Flow classes for those who want to take this practice to the next level. â€‹â€‹


Low Pressure Fitness can be modified to meet the needs of almost anybody.  If you are able to ascend and descend stairs, transition to and from the floor without difficulty, and successfully participate in group exercise classes, you should be able to participate in the Low Pressure Fitness Level 1 class.  I have a variety of props to assist with the various postures and positions if you have range of motion limitations, or minor joint pain.  If you need individualized attention for any reason, private sessions would be a good place to start to determine if you might transition to a group class.


Precautions and Contraindications


Less than 6 weeks post partum*

Less than 3 months post abdominal or pelvic surgery*

Medical Contraindications to Exercise

Uncontrolled hypertension*

Orthostatic hypotension*


Acute abdominal or pelvic pain*

Acute infection


* These conditions can usually be accomodated by practicing the postures only, and abstaining from the added apnea and vacuum techniques.  If you have questions please contact me.

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